running shoes

Running Shoes Advice

by Marithe (running shoes store owner)
(NYC, New York)

Running Shoes Advice

Running Shoes Advice

I would like to post some running shoes advice for those who still find it difficult to decide on the right type of running shoes that are best for them. Based on my own experience, I used to get confused in choosing my kind of running shoes when the product description no longer described anything about pronation. I ended up buying in specialty shoes stores just to make sure I am making the right choice.

Let us take the descriptions of the New Balance WX 849 for women as example, which doesn't say anything about pronation; but it states that it provides superior blend of cushioning. Any female online shopper who would be interested in these running shoes but unfamiliar with descriptions will be uncertain whether superior cushioning mentioned here can provide for the over pronator.

In comparison, the product description for New Balance 1123 specifically described the running shoes as motion control. Naturally, the overpronating female will choose this model since "motion control" is definitely a reference to excessive inward foot rolls. I find this particular running shoes as the best there is in providing me motion control since I'm a heavy set woman myself.

In time however, I was able to guide myself by remembering the shoe category related to the pronation issues. Hence, I went back to buying running shoes via online again so I could enjoy the convenience and the reduced price I get by shopping online. As my running shoe advice to those who are still confused about the type of running shoes to buy, here are the explanations for the different types of running shoes:

Neutral- a running shoe described as neutral are for those who have no issues about pronation but are also recommended for those with a little bit of under-pronation tendencies. It means your foot does not roll too much. As a neutral, your old shoes will not demonstrate any inward or outward lean if you will look at them from behind. If you slightly under-pronate then your old shoes will have a slight outward lean.

Support shoes- these are the type of running shoes for those who tend to over-pronate and its cushioning technologies are structured in a way that can slow down or reduce the runner's over pronation tendencies. Look at your shoes from behind while wearing them and you will see inward tendencies in your running shoes' bearing. This does not necessarily mean that your foot requires motion control.

Motion Control Shoes- these are the shoes recommended for people whose feet roll too far and they will need both support and motion control type of shoes. Looking at their old running shoes from behind, they will show that there is a pronounced inward lean. This is most often true to heavy built runners and their need for extra support and control for their feet roll.

Lightweight- which is the current trend in running shoes in relation to the barefoot running theory; but these are not recommended for all types of runners. They are very light shoes that have very little protection against pronation tendencies as well as shock attenuation. The latter term refers to the running shoe elements that can distribute the force of the landing impact throughout the whole foot structure from arch to toes.

These are running shoe advices that you may want to consider when in the process of selecting your shoes. You can also consider trying out each type of shoes for actual fit at some specialty running shoes store where they will allow you to run for a few minutes, just to let you know the difference. From there, you will be able to experience what all the running shoes advices are saying.

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